What is the Safest Seat in an Airplane
A question often asked by anxious airplane passengers is this: What is the safest seat in an airplane? The answer: none. Because accidents can erupt at any spot within the aircraft.Some people are of the opinion that the nearer one is seated to an emergency exitthe safer one is. Sadlythat is not absolutely true. A fire can start near the emergency exit as in any place within the plane. And if the emergency exit is jammedthen the person sitting nearest it is in as much of the same fix as the one sitting farthest from it.Regardless of where the passenger is seated inside the aircraftthe risks to one’s safety is greatly minimized by one thing above all else: by being alert and aware of one’s surroundings.Being alert means being watchful and attentive. Note the location of all exits. Listen to all pre-flight and in-flight instructions. Do not drink too much. Use common sense and try not to do anything that will be detrimental to your own safetyas well as to that of otherssuch as having too many or too heavy carry-on luggagespilling hot drinksbeing careless with pointed objects or things with sharp edgesand the like. Againuse common sense.Airplane accidents are raredespite the fears and misgivings surrounding air travel. But if one does occur during the flightit is very important for the passenger to stay calm and not to panic. Fear is a highly contagious disease. Many casualties in accidentseven those that happened on landcould have been prevented had the panic been contained. Thusin case of an accidenttake a deep breathkeep the tone of voice down and follow the line.There is no such thing as the safest seat in the plane. But any passenger can always make his or hers the safest seat if he or she chooses towherever he or she is seated. Creating the sense of safety within one’s selfafter allis a mind game.
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